Every person flourishing.
Aotearoa Disability Enterprises (ADE)
is the national representative organisation supporting Disability Enterprises in Aotearoa, New Zealand. ADE is a charity that focuses on supporting and representing the disability enterprises across New Zealand.
About Us
The ADE collective aims to connect disability enterprises from across Aotearoa, New Zealand. Our member enterprises are located all across New Zealand, from Tākiwira, Dargaville to Waihōpai, Invercargill.
The ADE collective enables New Zealand disability enterprises to be recognised. We seek to build a platform where communities can discover, and learn more about what the enterprises in New Zealand have to offer.
All of the enterprises we represent have their own unique approach and range of products and services. You can discover the enterprises in your location by checking out the enterprises tab, or by viewing the map below.
Our Members
Recycle South -
Waihōpai, InvercargillCargill Enterprises -
Ōtepoti, DunedinKilmarnock Enterprises -
Ōtautahi, ChristchurchSelmes Garden Centre -
Waiharakeke, BlenheimWanganui Enterprises -
WanganuiSouth Waikato Achievement Trust -
TokoroaAchievement House -
Kemureti, CambridgeAbilities Group -
Tāmaki Makaurau, Aucklandwill&able -
Tāmaki Makaurau, AucklandAttainable Trust -
Tāmaki Makaurau, AucklandMatea Trust -
Dairy FlatGreenways Trust -
Tākiwira, Dargaville
Collectively, the Disability Enterprises represented by ADE offer 900+ work opportunities for neurodiverse people in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Cargill Enterprises
“I am the father of a 43-year-old son who has moderate to severe Autism. He has now worked at Cargill Enterprises for 21 years, and the existence of Cargill’s was the main motivating factor in my shift to Dunedin from Timaru.
By being able to work he has a sense of pride in doing what everyone else can do, in working in a meaningful job on a daily basis and within the limits of his autism, interacting with other people who accept him as he is.
I could not see (my son) being able to work in any other workplace other than a disability enterprise or one that provides much more than just employment.”